How to become a nurse in Finland 2023

Are you a foreign nurse seeking to work in Finland? This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information on how to become a nurse in Finland, including the career pathway, salary, working conditions, registration and practice. Nursing is an essential and rewarding profession, and Finland, like many other countries, is currently experiencing […]
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Differences between Universities in Finland

The universities in Finland are divided under two categories: universities and Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) . Universities in Finland are research-oriented institutions that offer Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in various academic fields. They focus on theoretical and scientific research and academic excellence, and their primary goal is to produce new knowledge through research. […]
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Drug elimination

Drug elimination refers to the processes that remove an administered drug from the body. This process involves both metabolism and excretion, with hydrophobic drugs requiring metabolic modification to make them more polar before excretion, while hydrophilic drugs can be excreted directly. The liver is the primary site of biotransformation, while the kidney is primarily tasked […]
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