Differences between Universities in Finland

The universities in Finland are divided under two categories: universities and Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) . Universities in Finland are research-oriented institutions that offer Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in various academic fields. They focus on theoretical and scientific research and academic excellence, and their primary goal is to produce new knowledge through research.

Universities of Applied Sciences, on the other hand, are more practically oriented and offer professional Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in fields such as technology, business, and healthcare. They provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen profession. While research is also part of their mission, they place greater emphasis on practical learning and collaboration with industry partners.

List of Universities in Finland:

  1. University of Helsinki
  2. University of Turku
  3. Aalto University
  4. University of Eastern Finland
  5. University of Jyväskylä
  6. University of Oulu
  7. University of Tampere
  8. University of Vaasa
  9. University of Lapland
  10. Hanken School of Economics
  11. Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University)
  12. University of the Arts Helsinki
  13. National Defense University.

List of Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Finland:

  1. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
  2. Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
  3. Häme University of Applied Sciences
  4. JAMK University of Applied Sciences
  5. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
  6. Karelia University of Applied Sciences
  7. Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences
  8. LAB University of Applied Sciences
  9. Lapland University of Applied Sciences
  10. Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  11. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
  12. Novia University of Applied Sciences
  13. Oulu University of Applied Sciences
  14. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
  15. Savonia University of Applied Sciences
  16. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
  17. South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
  18. Tampere University of Applied Sciences
  19. Turku University of Applied Sciences
  20. Vaasa University of Applied Sciences

However there are some differences in terms of location and facilities. Some universities and UAS in Finland share the same location and facilities. Here are some examples:

    1. Aalto University – located in Espoo, shares campus and facilities with the Helsinki University of Technology and the Helsinki School of Economics.
    2. University of Helsinki – has multiple campuses, and some of them are shared with other universities, including the University of the Arts Helsinki, the Hanken School of Economics, and the National Defence University.
    3. Tampere University – formed in 2019 from the merger of the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology, shares facilities and campuses with Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
    4. Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University) – located in Lappeenranta and Lahti, shares campuses and facilities with LAB University of Applied Sciences in Lahti.

If you are an international student who wants to study in Finland and it is best to look for courses that are taught in English. There are several universities in Finland that offer Bachelor’s degree programs in Healthcare Nursing taught in English. Here are some examples:

  1. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  2. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  3. Savonia University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  4. Oulu University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  5. Karelia University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  6. Turku University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  7. JAMK University of Applied Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  8. South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.
  9. Tampere University – Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, offered in English.

It is important to note that admission requirements, program structures, and tuition fees may vary between universities, so it is recommended to visit the universities’ websites or contact their admissions offices for more information.

It’s worth noting that some of these universities may offer the program as a joint degree program in collaboration with other universities, and they may have different admission requirements and application deadlines. Therefore, it’s recommended that interested applicants visit the universities’ websites to check the program details and requirements.

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