Study Nursing in Finland: A Guide for International Students

Nursing is a noble and rewarding profession that involves providing compassionate care to patients. It is a highly respected field that requires critical thinking, communication skills, and a commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of others. If you’re an international student looking to pursue a career in nursing, Finland is an excellent study destination to consider. In this article, we’ll explore why studying nursing in Finland is an excellent option for international students, and how you can make the most of your study experience.

Why Study Nursing in Finland?

Finland is renowned for its high-quality education system, advanced healthcare services, and technology. The country has a strong focus on research, innovation, and evidence-based practice, making it an ideal place to study nursing. Finland also has a highly respected nursing profession, with nurses playing a vital role in the healthcare system. Additionally, nursing is a regulated profession in Finland, ensuring that the education and training of nurses meet high standards. By studying nursing in Finland, international students can gain a solid foundation in the nursing profession, develop practical skills, and prepare for a rewarding career in healthcare.

Study Bachelor of Healthcare Nursing in Finland

The Bachelor of Healthcare Nursing program is a popular choice for international students looking to study nursing in Finland. The program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the nursing profession, including patient care, communication skills, and critical thinking. The program is taught in English, making it a great option for international students who want to study in Finland but don’t speak Finnish.

The Bachelor of Healthcare Nursing program in Finland usually takes three to four years to complete. The program consists of theoretical courses, clinical placements, and practical training, allowing students to gain hands-on experience in various healthcare settings. Some of the topics covered in the program include anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, nursing ethics, mental health nursing, and community health nursing.

English-Taught Courses in Finland

Many universities in Finland offer English-taught courses, making it easier for international students to pursue their studies without language barriers. The top universities in Finland that offer English-taught nursing programs include the University of Helsinki, Aalto University, Tampere University, University of Turku, and Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) see the whole list of universities here

The English-taught nursing programs in Finland provide students with a comprehensive education in nursing. The courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to provide excellent patient care, communicate effectively with patients and healthcare professionals, and work as part of a healthcare team. The English-taught courses also provide international students with an opportunity to learn about Finnish healthcare systems and policies, giving them a better understanding of the nursing profession in Finland.

Moving to Finland and Living in Finland

Moving to Finland to study nursing as an international student can be an exciting experience. Finland is a safe and welcoming country with a high standard of living. International students can choose to live on-campus or off-campus, depending on their preferences and budget. Living costs in Finland are generally higher than in some other countries, but students can also work part-time to supplement their income. There are also various scholarships and grants available for international students who want to study in Finland.

International students who plan to stay in Finland after graduation can apply for a residence permit to work in Finland. The application process for a residence permit can be quite lengthy, so it’s essential to plan ahead. The permit allows students to work in Finland for up to two years after graduation, providing them with an opportunity to gain practical experience in the nursing profession.

Nursing Jobs in Finland

After completing your Bachelor of Healthcare Nursing program in Finland, there are plenty of job opportunities for nurses in Finland. Nursing is a highly respected profession in Finland, and nurses are in demand in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and home care services. The demand for nurses is expected to increase in the coming years, making it a great time to pursue a career in nursing in Finland.

International students who want to work in Finland after graduation can apply for a work permit or a residence permit for employment. The application process for a work permit can be quite competitive, and it’s essential to have a strong resume and cover letter. Some employers may also require that international nurses learn some Finnish language to better communicate with patients and healthcare professionals.

Part-Time Nursing Jobs for Nursing Students

While studying nursing in Finland, international students can also work part-time in nursing-related jobs. Part-time jobs can provide students with an opportunity to gain practical experience in the nursing profession, earn some extra income, and improve their language skills. Some of the part-time nursing jobs available for nursing students in Finland include nursing assistants, home care assistants, and healthcare assistants. These jobs may require some previous experience in healthcare, but many employers are willing to train new employees.

Learn Finnish Language

While many universities in Finland offer English-taught courses, it is also recommended that international students learn some Finnish language to better integrate into Finnish society. Knowing some Finnish language can also be helpful when looking for nursing jobs in Finland. Many universities offer Finnish language courses for international students, and there are also private language schools that offer Finnish language courses.

Learning Finnish language can be challenging, but it can also be a rewarding experience. Finnish is a unique language with complex grammar rules and pronunciation, but it’s also a beautiful language with a rich history and culture. By learning Finnish language, international students can better communicate with Finnish patients and healthcare professionals, understand Finnish culture, and feel more at home in Finland.


Studying nursing in Finland is an excellent option for international students who want to pursue a career in healthcare. With top-ranked universities, high-quality education, and ample job opportunities, Finland is a great choice for those looking to study nursing abroad. International students can study the Bachelor of Healthcare Nursing program in English, gain practical experience in various healthcare settings, and work part-time in nursing-related jobs. While studying nursing in Finland, it’s also essential to learn some Finnish language to better integrate into Finnish society and improve job prospects. So why not consider studying nursing in Finland today and embark on a rewarding career in healthcare?

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